DV Info & Tip

2020-08-29 Tip : DVSwitch.ini 설정

DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Korea 2020. 8. 29. 12:15


sudo nano /opt/MMDVM_Bridge/DVSwitch.ini


Top of DVSwitch.ini


; MMDVM_Bridge export / import configuration file.

; This file should be placed along side of MMDVM_Bridge or it can be

; supplied as a path on the MMDVM_BRIDGE environment variable.


; Configure the Quantar Repeater Partner

; Note that the TX and RX ports are already reversed for MMDVM_Bridge <--> Quantar_Bridge


logFilePath = /var/log/Quantar_Bridge.log

Address = ; Address to send IMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 34103 ; Port to send IMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 34100 ; Port to listen on (import)

quantarPort = 1994 ; HDLC frames To/From the Quantar repeater

logLevel = 2 ; Show messages and above 0=No logging, 1=Debug, 2=Message, 3=Info, 4=Warning, 5=Error, 6=Fatal

debug = 0 ; Debug 0 = off, 1 = on (adds lots of additional messages)


; Configure the DMR Partner

; Audio format is AMBE 72 bit


Address = ; Address to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 31100 ; Port to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 31103 ; Port to listen on (import)

Slot = 2 ; Export slot

ExportTG = 0 ; Which TG to export

TalkerAlias = DS5QDR DVPi StandAlone V0.7   

; DMR 사용 시  콜싸인 + 메세지 입력 두자리가 HL DS 6K 6L 등일 경우 Nextion LCD에서 태극기 표시 됨

; DVSwitch 개발자가 곧 번거러운 수정작업 없앨 예정입니다


; Configure the D-Star Partner

; Audio format is AMBE 48 bit (DSAMBE)


Address = ; Address to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 32100 ; Port to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 32103 ; Port to listen on (import)

FallbackID = 1234567 ; In case we can not find a valid DMR id in the database, export this one

ExportTG = 9 ; Which TG to export

Slot = 2 ; Export slot

Message = DS5QDR DVPi StandAlone V0.7

; DSTARR 사용 시  콜싸인 + 메세지 입력 두자리가 HL DS 6K 6L 등일 경우 Nextion LCD에서 태극기 표시 됨

; DVSwitch 개발자가 곧 번거러운 수정작업 없앨 예정입니다


; Configure the NXDN Partner

; Audio format is AMBE 72 bit


Address = ; Address to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 33100 ; Port to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 33103 ; Port to listen on (import)

FallbackID = 1234567 ; In case we can not find a valid DMR id in the database, export this one

NXDNFallbackID = 12345 ; Use this ID when the input DMR ID is not found in the database

Translate = 1234=4321 ; Translate NXDN TG < -- > DMR TG (bidirectional)

Slot = 2 ; Export slot


; Configure the P25 Partner

; Audio format is IMBE 88 bit


Address = ; Address to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 34100 ; Port to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 34103 ; Port to listen on (import)

Slot = 2 ; Export slot


; Configure the Yaesu Fusion Partner

; Audio format is AMBE 72 bit

; Audio format is IMBE 88 bit


Address = ; Address to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

TXPort = 35100 ; Port to send AMBE TLV frames to (export)

RXPort = 35103 ; Port to listen on (import)

TXWidePort = 35105 ; Port to send IMBE TLV frames to for YSFw (export)

FallbackID = 1234567 ; In case we can not find a valid DMR id in the database, export this one

ExportTG = 1234 ; Which TG to export

Slot = 2 ; Export slot


Bottom of DVSwitch.ini