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Amateur Radio Notes: Pi-Star notes

Pi-Star notes Revised: Jun 2021, CC BY-SA Most up-to-date version: amateurradionotes.com/pi-star-notes.htm Links: Standalone articles & PDFs Links to helpful resources Pi-Star: sites Pi-Star: forums & groups Pi-Star: articles Pi-Star: presentations Pi-Star









Amateur Radio Notes: Hotspots

Hanging out with hotspots Revised: Sep 2021, CC BY-SA Most up-to-date version:  amateurradionotes.com/hotspots.htm







Amateur Radio Notes: DMR - 1

Discovering DMR – 1 Revised: Sep 2021, CC BY-SA Most up-to-date version: amateurradionotes.com/dmr.htm




Amateur Radio Notes: DMR - 2

Discovering DMR – 2 CC BY-SA 2) Choosing a way forward Since I wasn't clear what I was getting into with DMR, initially the operative words for me when choosing my DMR hardware were "inexpensive" and as "easy to use" as possible. 2a) Choosing a DMR radio





Amateur Radio Notes: DMR - 3

Discovering DMR – 3 CC BY-SA 3) Putting it all together Okay, time to kick things into high gear and get on the air with DMR! 3a) First things first: Register for CCS7 ID To operate on the DMR system, you need to register with an authentication and routi








Amateur Radio Notes: D-STAR - 1

Diving into D-STAR – 1 The D-STAR logo is a registered trademark of Icom Revised: Sep 2021, CC BY-SA Most up-to-date version: amateurradionotes.com/d-star.htm




Amateur Radio Notes: D-STAR - 2

Diving into D-STAR – 2 CC BY-SA 2) Choosing a way forward Given all the interesting options that are available, how do you actually choose which combination of radio, hotspot, and software to use? Fork in a woodland path by MarclSchauer, Shutterstock For







Amateur Radio Notes: D-STAR - 3

Diving into D-STAR – 3 CC BY-SA 3) Putting it all together Okay, time to roll up my sleeves. 3a) Programming the radio If you're using a hotspot for D-STAR, it's really important that you set up your radio properly. For most simplex hotspot devices, DV m








Amateur Radio Notes: Base

Base: shack & mobile Revised: Mar 2021, CC BY-SA 1) My "shack" Yep, I'm a bit scrappy. My small workshop, which is primarily a haven for my woodworking passion, is so full of woodworking tools that there's not a lot of free space. Since every cubic inch is







Amateur Radio Notes by KE0FHS

CQ CQ CQ Revised: Mar 2021, CC BY-SA 1) Background One of the challenges we faced during the flood that wreaked havoc in our area in 2013 was that our community was separated into "islands" that were physically cut off from each other and the rest of the w





DS5QDR 73!

블로그 이미지

DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Korea

DV 통신 경험 공유 Mode : DMR, DSTAR, YSF, XLX, YSF, M17, AllStarLink, EchoLink Software : DVSwich, USRP Client, Last Heard, MiniPi, MiniMT, VuMeter, DVPi, Pi-Star
