putty 로 접속하여



sudo nano /opt/Analog_Bridge/Analog_Bridge.ini


Top of Analog_Bridge.ini


; Analog_Bridge configuration file.

;   This file should be placed in either /etc or it can be

;   supplied as a path on the Analog_Bridge command line.


; The best way to think of this file is that there are two main sections, the USRP (analog audio) and

; AMBE_AUDIO (compressed audio).  Analog_Bridge will take everything sent to the USRP port and

; encode it for transmission on the AMBE_AUDIO port.  The encoder will use the format defined in ambeMode.

; As you might expect, the reverse direction is defined too.


; Analog_Bridge supports include files. More on this later...

include = dvsm.macro

; include = asl.macro


; General Section describes settings for Analog_Bridge itself.


logLevel = 2                            ; Show messages and above 0=No logging, 1=Debug, 2=Message, 3=Info, 4=Warning, 5=Error, 6=Fatal


; Metadata management

subscriberFile = /var/lib/dvswitch/subscriber_ids.csv   ; DMR ID to callsign lookup data

exportMetadata = true                   ; Export metadata to USRP partner (transcode setups require this)

transferRootDir = /tmp                        ; Export database files to USRP partner


; General vocoder setup information

decoderFallBack = true                  ; Allow software AMBE decoding if a hardware decoder is not found

useEmulator = false                     ; Use the MD380 AMBE emulator for AMBE72 (DMR/YSFN/NXDN)

emulatorAddress =        ; IP address and port of the md380 server


; Information for xx_Bridge (Where xx is MMDVM, Quantar, HB, IPSC)


address =                     ; IP address of xx_Bridge

txPort = 31103                          ; Transmit TLV frames to partner on this port

rxPort = 31100                          ; Listen for TLV frames from partner on this port

ambeMode = DMR                          ; DMR, DMR_IPSC, DSTAR, NXDN, P25, YSFN, YSFW (encode PCM to this format)

minTxTimeMS = 2500                      ; Minimum time in MS for hang delay (0-10000)


; The metadata below is used when ASL is the source since it does not have any concept of digital modes

gatewayDmrId = 4500xxx      ; DMRID

repeaterID = 4500xxxyy        ; DMRID + 자 2자리   MMDVM_Bridge.ini Id와 숫자 같아야 함

txTg = 9                                ; TG to use for all frames sent from Analog_Bridge -> xx_Bridge

txTs = 2                                ; Slot to use for frames sent from Analog_Bridge -> xx_Bridge

colorCode = 1                           ; Color Code to assign DMR frames


; Information for USRP channel driver.  This interface uses PCM to transfer audio information

; There are two typical configurations, ASL and Transcode.  ASL (AllstarLink) is for analog clients connected

; to a digital network.  Transcode is when Analog_Bridge actually points its PCM interfaces back at itself,

; causing a TLV <-- (pcm <--> pcm) --> TLV type of architecture.

;   When using ASL, this matches the rpt.conf ASL file with a setting like:

;   rxchannel = usrp/

;   When Transcoding, make two ini files and set txPort equal to the other instance rxPort (crossover).  Launch

;   each instance with its own ini file.


address =                     ; IP address of USRP partner (Allstar/Asterisk or another Analog_Bridge)

txPort = 32001           ; DVPi 32001, DVSwitch 50000, DVLink 46001

rxPort = 34001           ; DVPi 34001, DVSwitch 50000, DVLink 46001      


usrpGain = 4.00                       ; 수신음 Gain값, 사용기기에 따라 설정 가능하나 조정 안해도 됨


tlvGain = 1.5                           ; 송신음 Gain값, 사용기기에 따라 0.25 ~ 0.8 조정 필요




; Where the macros are

; xxxx=yyyy

; xxxx is the dial string to match

; yyyy is the command line to execute


; xxxx must be preceded by a *

; xxxx can be any string (alphanumeric)

; yyyy is the command to execute

; yyyy will replace xxxx in the dial string

; arguments follow the macro name with a # delimiter


; For example using macro "5678" above would look like:

; *5678#9876


; Which would invoke:

; echo 9876


;  Information for DV3000 hardware decoder

;   There are two configuration modes: IP (AMBEServer) and serial (direct connect hardware)

;   Use top server and port if using AMBEServer

;   Use bottom server/port and serial = true if using the DV3000u (thumbdv)

;   Did you run AMBETest4.py before using this?



; 에뮬레이터 사용시 

address =                   ; AMBE 서버 IP address 입력해야 함

rxPort = 2460                         ; Port of AMBEServer

; address = /dev/ttyUSB0              ; Device of DV3000U on this machine

; baud = 460800                       ; Baud rate of the dongle (230400 or 460800)

; serial = true                       ; Use serial=true for direct connect or serial=false for AMBEServer


; ThumbDV 사용시

; address =                   ; AMBE 서버 IP address 입력해야 함

; rxPort = 2460                         ; Port of AMBEServer

address = /dev/ttyUSB0            ; Device of DV3000U on this machine

baud = 460800                      ; Baud rate of the dongle (230400 or 460800)

serial = true                          ; Use serial=true for direct connect or serial=false for AMBEServer


end of Analog_Bridge.ini


DS5QDR 73!

블로그 이미지

DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Korea

DV 통신 경험 공유 Mode : DMR, DSTAR, YSF, XLX, YSF, M17, AllStarLink, EchoLink Software : DVSwich, USRP Client, Last Heard, MiniPi, MiniMT, VuMeter, DVPi, Pi-Star
