Debian 11 Bullseye에서는 gpio readall 명령어가 실행되지 않는다

이를 해결하기 위해 gpio module 설치 과정을 정리하여 공유합니다

sudo git clone

cd WiringPi/

sudo ./build

gpio -v

gpio readall




Solution for "gpio readall" command unable to view Pi 4B pin status

If you are a Raspberry Pi 4B enthusiast, you will encounter this problem during use Pi4. (This problem has troubled me for many days. The official Raspberry Pi method has not been able to modify the gpio version in my image. )When using the Raspberry Pi to



DS5QDR 73!

블로그 이미지

DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Korea

DV 통신 경험 공유 Mode : DMR, DSTAR, YSF, XLX, YSF, M17, AllStarLink, EchoLink Software : DVSwich, USRP Client, Last Heard, MiniPi, MiniMT, VuMeter, DVPi, Pi-Star
